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documentation by students

TheaterTheorieLabor #4

Transforming the Anthroposcene Leonie Schröter_Seite_1.jpg
Transforming the Anthroposcene Leonie Schröter_Seite_2.jpg

by Leonie Schröter

student participation in the conference

Alongside the exhibition of artistic contributions by students as part of ‘show_case’, a group of students from Ruhr-Universität Bochum attended and documented the conference. As part of the seminar ‘TheaterTheorieLabor #4’ (engl. ‘TheatreTheoryLab #4’) led by Dorota Sajewska, they explored the content and formats of the conference in various ways and digitally compiled their impressions. Whether drawings, contextual notes or collages - feel free to browse through this collection of situated knowledge that emerged from ‘transforming anthropo(s)cene’.

Image by Ramin Khatibi

by Hannah Köhler and Filip Neag

documentation of the conference in general and in particular of the contributions by Rebecca Schneider and Farai Chipato

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Queer Ecologies- Garten_Seite_01.jpg

by Dana Ilske

reflection on the lecture by Friederike Nastold in the form of presentation slides

by Marisa Kleine-Frauns and Marie Neuhaus-Schwermann

humus humanus - thoughts on composting as a link between humans and ecosystems in the Anthropocene


by Kerem Gülan

extensive notes on all presentations of the conference as well as impressions of ‘show_case’

transforming anthropo(s)cene_Seite_01.jpg
Anthropo(s)cene - Melina_Seite_3.jpg

by Melina Durgut

presentation and handout on the panel talk 'GEOGRAPHIES OF THE BLACK WEIRD'

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